It’s hard to believe this little guy is 6 YEARS OLD!
“What you say?!” “I’M SIX?!”
6 things I love about Luke:
1. He loves everyone. Going on walks means we have to regularly stop to say hello to anyone that we might pass. Getting extra pats on the head fills him with actual joy and he gets an extra zip in his step from the attention. It’s adorable.
2. He knows the word cow. Now he might love people but he hates cows. I’m not sure how it started but if you ever mention the word cow around him, expect him to look for a window to check out if they are really around. And then he must bark. It’s funny.
3. He struts. I’m 100% serious. He’s the most confident little guy around. While I’m constantly on the lookout for big dogs and speeding cars on our walks, Luke is blazing full speed ahead with his head held high.
4. If Luke is laying on his bed on the floor and I sit down on the couch, it will take him maybe 3 seconds before he’s joined me to cuddle. He’s the ultimate lap dog.
5. He makes people smile. I mean, that strut gets attention. It’s one of my favorite things to watch as people with blank/mad expressions see him walking towards them and they have to smile.
6. He love toys. He loves them so much that he insists on taking his favorite along on walks with him. Lately it’s a stuffed monkey.
So combine the friendliness + his strut + the toy monkey in his mouth and Luke is the cuteness dog you’ve ever seen. ;-)
Happy Birthday Little Luke!