
Week in the Life: Wednesday


Yoga at 5:45am. My wrists hurt, I feel like I could quit at any moment but I push through and complete all 30 minutes. Funniest yoga pose = awkward airplane. 


I feel super accomplished after yoga and make my bed. 


I love the lights in my bathroom. 


Breakfast is granola and coconut milk with (huge) blackberries. Yum. 


Arrive at work. Kate and Andrea looked like (JCrew) catalog models so I have to take their picture. 


Now it was Giz’s turn to be bored – he missed Luke. 


Over lunch I took Luke for a walk in the park. 


Lunch = BST (s for spinach!) At this point in the day life was very good. WAS!!  


Then total disaster struck. In other words, I dropped my iPhone and it landed face down and the screen shattered. (Half of me is surprised it’s taken this long for this to happen – I tend to drop my phone…a lot!) Give myself a pep talk about how it’s only a phone, life goes on. Get out packing tape and see if it still works (it does, kinda.) Consider the ways I can now justify buying an iPad. Still seems like a weak case.  

Go shoe shopping to ease the pain. Buy nothing. 

Try wine instead. This seems like a much better idea. 


Decide on Cupcake – Red Velvet for the following reasons: 

1. It’s called Cupcake. 

2. The label is pretty. 

3. It’s on sale. 

4. The description on the back mentions it tastes like cake. 


End the day screaming into my phone as people say “you there…HELLOOO” Drink wine. Blog. Go to bed at 11:50pm. Long day.  

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KYlene LYNN PHOtography

Serving Upstate NY