Liz + Brian’s Wedding Highlights!
– This was my favorite kind of wedding. Fun, super sweet bride and groom who love to laugh and are non-traditional + downtown Lancaster + great style/details/flowers + wedding guests who dance it up. Plus, there was fire and bowling! It is true.
– Liz and Brian got ready at the Marriott and then the wedding and reception were both at The Hamilton Club in Lancaster City. They wanted a natural first look so I put them on opposite sides of a corner and told them to meet in the middle. After a great reaction from both of them, it only took Liz two seconds to ask to see Brian’s butt. :-) Don’t you just love her for that?!
– They walked down the aisle together and I thought that was amazing. (Other non-traditional moments included calling off the formal extended family photos and opting for a more casual approach during the reception, and not really caring/announcing that the cake was being cut.)
– After the ceremony the bridal party went back to a special room eat appetizers and drink champaign. Liz, being known to spill things, was given an apron to wear. When she put it on there was an extra, unneeded piece of fabric which was causally tossed on the table by a bridesmaid. Let me rephrase that, which was causally tossed onto a lit candle on the table. Soon it started to smell like that funny burning smell and then the fire was spotted and panic erupted. But the day (and the club!) was saved when water was tossed on the fire quickly and it just became a really funny story to have on your wedding day!
– What’s the best thing to do after almost burning down an elite private club? Bowling! Yes, there is actually a duckpin bowling alley in the basement so that was the obvious choice. It was adorable. It was also the first time I ever said “could you please put your balls closer together?” at a wedding. :-)
– Funniest part of the reception came when Liz asked for a photo with her mom and on the way to the spot we picked, she completely turned around to head back to the dance floor because her favorite song came on and she HAD to dance to it (bride after my own heart) – the song? Get Low! You know..”From the window….to the wall” Mom can wait!! :-)
– Liz has her own blog and has blogged the whole wedding day – you can read it here. It’s super fun. My personal favorite line is “Kylene on the scene!”
Liz and Brian – thank you for being amazing!! It was so fun capturing your wedding!